Computer Care > Virus/Spyware/Adware Prevention and Removal
Adware/Spyware Prevention and RemovalWhile adware and spyware are not the same as viruses, they can not only cause issues with your computer, but they can be serious security risks as they can listen for your passwords, credit card numbers, and more. The following is a guideline to help you avoid becoming infected.
- Do not open attachments from people you do not trust. Avoid installing software or visiting websites that does not appear legitimate. When in doubt, use common sense when using the Internet.
- Do not click on a pop-up window that has misspellings, or has an advertisement that appears like a system warning.
- Run a spyware/adware scanning utility at least once a month. If you use an antivirus program, check to see if it also scans from spyware and adware. If not, here are some popular software programs:
You can purchase the USFamily Protection Pack, powered by ZoneAlarm, at a discounted rate for USFamily.Net customers. Click here for complete details and to order online.
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